Robotics and Art

This week’s lecture gave me a better understanding of how art is important in robotics. As technology evolves, art also becomes more advanced.

Before taking the class, I thought of art as something drawn on a canvas or a sculptures made by sculptors. It was not until last week that I realized that something made from technology could also be considered art. Now, I see that art can take form many different ways.

            Walter Benjamin states that the “mechanical production of art changed the reaction of masses toward art.” I truly believe this is true because as we advance as a society, art does the same. Traditional art is not as important nowadays because of technology. When looking for art, no one cares to look at the original work anymore. Art is copied and distributed all throughout the internet, so there is no need to go to a museum to see art.

 I think it is interesting that as we get more industrialized, there is less need for humans to do jobs. Robots are now able to do household chores, like the Roomba(pictured below). Rodney Brooks in TED talks mentioned that robots could invade our lives because they are able to do tasks that humans can do. 

Works Cited:
Benjamin, Walter. The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. London: Penguin, 2008. Print.

Brooks, Rodney. "Robots Will Invade Our Lives." Ted. TED Conferences, Feb. 2003. Web. <>.

Davis, Douglas. “The Work of Art in the Age of Digital Reproduction.” The MIT Press, 1995. Web. <

"Florence Tomb Opened in Quest to Find 'Mona Lisa'." BBC News. BBC, 10 Aug. 2013. Web. 24 Apr. 2017.

Subbaraman, Nidhi. "New Roomba Chews up Hair and Is 50 Percent Suckier." NBC News. NBC, n.d. Web.

SubZeroSZ90. "I, Robot - Fan Trailer [English Version]." YouTube. YouTube, 15 Oct. 2010. Web. 24 Apr. 2017.


  1. I agree with your opinion that there is no need to go to the museum for art, since we can see art works copied everywhere. But what is the meaning of museum then? Will museum disappear in some years? Will people continue to seek originality and authenticity?

  2. I can see where you are coming from. Technological advancements will soon make humans obsolete in a lot of different ways. My question that I ponder when it comes to technological advancements in the future is are people going to be more accepting of it or are they going to be more against it? On the one hand, these advancements would help progress our society and make our lives easier. However, on the other hand these advancements may replace humans in a multitude of ways and, ultimately, make the use for humans in job field obsolete. That being said, I am interested to know what you think about this question.

  3. I like what you said, "As technology evolves, art also becomes more advanced," which is true because it is easily being neglected while people are standing separately in two polarities of two different field- technology and art. As like, it is difficult to deal with a hard situation and, meanwhile, to balance your motion of sense and sensibility. However, they are really correlated while under the influence.

  4. I think you brought up a lot of great points in your blog. The irony behind robots being created due to industrialization, to now where humans are more dependent on robots. Like the Roomba example. I have one in my household and it totally helps with everyday chores. I think it's also very interesting to ask ourselves when enough is enough, and where do we draw the line with robots and the help they can provide. It makes me think of the movie WALL E, not sure if you've ever seen it. But I wonder how far we'll go with robots in the future.


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